#MAJORSvideochallenge: Small Coed

#MAJORSvideochallenge: Small Coed

Watch the Small Coed teams best jump/flip combinations in the #MAJORSvideochallenge!

Sep 19, 2017 by Emily Schmidt
#MAJORSvideochallenge: Small Coed

Small Coed teams stepped up to the plate and accepted their #MAJORSvideochallenge of showing off their best jump/flip combinations!

Prodigy All-Stars Midnight, KC Cheer Fierce 5, Twist and Shout Diamonds, and Cheer Athletics (Charlotte) RoyalCats all let the world know that they are coming into the new season strong with their connected tumbling skills.

RoyalCats are the newest MAJORS competitors in the Small Coed division. They were the highest scoring Level 5 team at JAMfest Super Nationals in 2017 and proudly accepted their invitation to the MAJORS.

Check out the Small Coed #MAJORSvideochallenge entries:

KC Cheer Fierce 5

Cheer Athletics (Charlotte) RoyalCats

Twist and Shout Diamonds

Prodigy All-Stars Midnight

Brandon Senior Black

Hurricane Irma effected BSB & the entire Florida community this summer. The World Champs had to miss their MAJORS video challenge week but no worries, the legendary team is back and better than ever. Check out this practice room peek from the Cheer Alliance.