10 Practice Habits Of Drew Connolly

10 Practice Habits Of Drew Connolly

As a 3x World Champ, 6x NCA All-star Champion and two-time NCA College Nationals grand champion, Drew is doing something right when he trains to take the mat. Here are his 10 top practice habits that have helped lead him to success!

Oct 11, 2017 by Emily Schmidt
10 Practice Habits Of Drew Connolly
Drew Connolly has a cheer resume filled with success. He started his journey in 2004 at Top Gun All Stars, 2010-2014 where he earned three world titles!

In 2015, college started a new chapter for Drew. During this new beginning, he cheered for Navarro and Spirit of Texas for two years! He currently cheers at Texas Tech University, where he helped the Red Raiders earn their first college national championship title in 2017.

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/ncCBVHEjaw/?taken-by=drewsdabaddest" hide_caption="0"]

As a three-time world champ, six-time NCA All-Star champion, and two-time NCA College Nationals grand champion, Drew is doing something right when he trains to take the mat. Here are his top 10 practice habits that have helped lead him to success!

1. Get Rest

One of the most important habits to get yourself into competition fitness is giving your body enough rest. Sleep is one of the most vital necessities to helping any cheerleader have an amazing practice.

2. Drink Plenty Of Water!

Before, during, and after practice, be sure to drink plenty of water! Dehydration causes muscle cramps and many other issues that can hold you back from not performing your best.

3. Plan Ahead

Always arrive to practice on time and make sure to wear the correct outfit for the day. Allow yourself ample time to get ready and arrive to practice. Be the example for the team.

I have learned that how I look contributes to how I perform, and half of how I look depends on how much time I have to get ready.

4. Set Goals

Think "we before me" as you set your goals. For instance, your goals should be both personal and also team goals. If you want your team to achieve something, what does that mean you have to do in order to achieve that goal? You'll never regret how hard you worked, or how close you got to your team. You only have one year or season with this exact same group of people, so make it count.

5. Eliminate Distractions

Always turn your phone off during practice. Drew allows cheer to be his "safe haven" from the craziness of the real world.

6. Warm Your Body Up Properly

A great way to start practice is to warm your body up with jogging, high knees, or jumping jacks. Before you stretch, getting your muscles warmed up prevents injuries and pulls.

[instagram url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BZHFYJjnIiC/?taken-by=drewsdabaddest" hide_caption="0"]

7. Use Visual Aids

Have your coach take a video of you and the entire team as you are working on a skill.

I have learned that sometimes I can feel what I am doing wrong, but seeing how it actually looks allows me to make and apply the correction better.

8. Deep Stretch

The end of practice is when your muscles are fully warmed up. This is the best time to get stretch your muscles as deeply as possible before you leave the gym.

9. Always End On A Positive note

Circle up as a team at the end of practice and name three encouraging things about that session. If you end practice this way, you'll always end on a positive note which will bring positivity to your next time together.

10. Practice Time Management

Set extra time outside of practice to work on skills, even if it is meeting with your stunt group 15 minutes before practice to do the stunt a couple times.