Test Your Cheer Knowledge!

Test Your Cheer Knowledge!

Cheerleaders have their own unique form of communication. If you are from outside the cheerleading world you might be a little confused by some of the lingo you hear from cheerleaders. Want to prove you're a cheer genius? Test your knowledge below!

Jan 25, 2017 by Leanza Pieroni
Test Your Cheer Knowledge!
Cheerleaders have their own unique form of communication. If you are from outside the cheerleading world you might be a little confused by some of the lingo you hear from cheerleaders. Want to prove you're a cheer genius? Test your knowledge below!

What is a full?

A. A flipping skill like a layout with a 360-degree twist

B. When you've eaten one too many slices of pizza.

Name this cheerleading prop

A. Megaphone
B. Cheer Cone


What is a pyramid?

A. A connected structure of stunts that takes 12 people.
B. A structure usually made from rock on which the outer surfaces are triangular and form a single point at the top.

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What is a scorpion?

A. A top girl's body position where her leg is raised behind her body in an "o" shape.


B. A terrestrial arachnid with lobster like pincers and a poisonous stinger at the end of its tail, which it can hold curved over the back. 

When counting, what comes after 8?

A. One
B. Nine

What is a basket?

A. A stunt performed using a basket grip using 3 or more bases to toss a flyer into the air.

B. A woven container used for carry picnic supplies.

. A reference to scoring in basketball

If you answered mostly A's ​then you're fluent in cheer talk! 

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