Ursuline College Makes Their Start In STUNT


Ursuline College Arrows have introduced a new sport to their lineup this season - STUNT!

STUNT, the fastest growing female sport in the country, removes the crowd-leading element and focuses on the technical and athletic components of cheer, including partner stunts, pyramids, basket tosses, group jumps and tumbling. 

These elements are put together in short routines that both teams must perform head-to-head on the floor at the same time. The team that executes the skills best wins the round and the point. With four quarters of play, STUNT is an exciting sport to play, coach and watch.

Be a part of history! YOU can join Ursuline College's first-ever STUNT team!

Learn more about Ursuline College at www.ursuline.edu or contact Ursuline STUNT Coach Danyel Tutskey at Danyel.Tutskey@ursuline.edu.